
He normalizes things.

by C.King
Storyline Infinity Gem Madness!
Category Marvel Television: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Previous Chapter He tries to avoid using the gems... but...

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'Okay, this thing is going to do what I wonder, whether with my conscious or unconscious mind. So I might as well enjoy it and try to guide my changes so to remove the worse of my sex-on-the-brain mind. So how to do this?

Use the mind and maybe the soul stones to make people think of everything as normal. Then any change I make will be acceptable. I might be able to use it. Make everyone think it's normal for me to have and use the gauntlet, then ask their advice to use it. To them, me having ultimate power would be normal and they would do nothing to take it away for me.' he thought to himself as he soon felt himself sitting at a table with his closest friends, the Scoobies.

Faith, Buffy, Willow, Dawn and Giles. He was glad his change would allow them to accept the perverted changes made already and possible future ones. Sitting with each other, he asked them, "What would you want or do will the power to do anything? If you were omnipotent?"

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