
He tries to avoid using the gems... but...

by C.King
Storyline Infinity Gem Madness!
Category Marvel Television: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Previous Chapter Xander

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It had been a week and a few days, time which Xander had been trying his best to not use his powers unless it was to save people's lives. He wanted to avoid using it for his own gain, even as he hid it from the world at large. Including his friends.

However, it was looking like even if his conscious mind was not using it, his unconscious mind was. He was noticing the women in his life wearing more and more sexier clothing. Buffy, who had stopped wearing skirts since her first year at Sunnydale High, and her longest skirt tended to be knee length or lower... was now wearing more and more miniskirts then her practical pants. If she wore pants, it was sexy leather or faux leather or something like that. Tighter tops, higher heels which everyone seemed to master running and fighting in, and more changed with Buffy as well as others. Depending on their styles, which also got sexier.

The women were getting sexier as well. Larger firmer perkier breasts, longer sexy legs, bouncy bubble butts, pouty cocksucking lips, and onward. They were acting more flirt with women, but the only man they flirted with was him. Which made him realize his sexual thoughts were altering reality on a subconscious level.

Which made him ask, "I can't seem to stop my animal brain from doing things without me controlling it, so should I use this thing with my human brain?"

"Okay... so let's use this thing then. So the question is... If I want to indulge myself then, who should I start with? Some of the sexy ladies? Like Buffy, Faith, Willow or even Dawn?

Could I use the stones to bring back dead people? Ms. Summers? Ms. Calendar? Anya? Cordelia? Soul and reality stones should do it, with mind making people not questioning it.

Something crazy like fucking a wild card? Like Darla or Drusilla? Glory or Jasmine? Or something like that?

Or do the impossible and have a non-sex related use of the power? What to do?"

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